Участник выставки недвижимости
ZagranDom.ru, интернет-ресурс (Медиа / Пресса)
«Интернет-портал ZagranDom.ru – это компетентный ресурс, посвященный зарубежной недвижимости. На ZagranDom.ru вы найдете аналитические обзоры и тематические статьи о рынках недвижимости разных стран, конкретные объекты недвижимости. Ресурс ориентирован на всех, кто хочет иметь второй дом в безопасной стране, дачу у моря или просто выгодно вложить деньги.
The web-site ZagranDom.ru is a resource devoted to foreign real estate. On ZagranDom.ru you will find analytical surveys and articles about real estate markets of different countries and a lot of listings. It is meant for those who want to have the second home in a safe country, a country house by the seaside or just who wants to invest money. On Zagrandom.ru you will know the real estate prices, how much money you can earn on it, what will be your expenses if you become a landlord.
The web-site ZagranDom.ru is a resource devoted to foreign real estate. On ZagranDom.ru you will find analytical surveys and articles about real estate markets of different countries and a lot of listings. It is meant for those who want to have the second home in a safe country, a country house by the seaside or just who wants to invest money. On Zagrandom.ru you will know the real estate prices, how much money you can earn on it, what will be your expenses if you become a landlord.